SIng, scream, pant, munch

I have lyrics. I have a backing track. I have recording equipment and mastering software. I just can't sing. After three hours of trying I have a sore diaphram and no usable recording. So, stick last night's film on to encode, take a 3 hour break, eat something and try again later.

Not too much later - I'm capturing Texas Chainsaw Massacre at midnight :-). I once wrote a song which mentioned it, so it's about time I saw it.

There's so many good reasons to get fit. Feeling good, being able to move rapidly without panting, probably being able to sing better. And not being neurotic about one's appearance.

JS called. He's had the flu for the last few days, hence his disappearance. I should be looking at his computer and eating his curry on Friday. The fact that's he's a veteran soldier with blond hair has nothing to do with the subtitle of my song being Mein Blonde Soldatjunge. Well, not much.

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