In response to this, this...

  • I do not care about Justin Bieber. The only reason to care about him is to fancy him, and I don't fancy him.

  • The same goes for Jake Gyllenhaal, and the dozens of reality TV microcelebrities that "everyone's talking about".

  • So you refuse to watch films with subtitles. Is that because you can't read?

  • You do not have Asperger's syndrome, dyslexia, or ADHD. You do not have depression, low self esteem, or social anxiety disorder. If you did, you wouldn't be able to tell everyone you did, all the damn time.

  • You believe in an invisible magic man in the sky who's obsessed with everyone else's sex life. You also believe the more you play the lottery, the closer you get to being a millionaire. Go figure.

  • Calling a idea 'extreme' is not an agrument. Nor is calling it 'unpopular', 'new', 'old', 'strange', or 'well you would believe that wouldn't you'.

  • Pretending to like what the cool kids like does not make you cool. It makes you a sycophant and a fake.

  • No, I will not see Twilight. I will not watch True Blood either.

  • I do not have issues with authority. I have issues with incompetence, stupidity and lies - whether they come from authority figures or not.

  • Yes, I can now openly seek a boyfriend. Yes, I can now legally marry him. Which means I also have the right not to.

  • No one just falls into adultery - they have to look for it. If you looked for it, fine, but don't pretend it was an accident.

  • So you've called me because you can't open your email. Next time I can't open a letter, I'll call you.

  • Yes, scientists do sometimes change their minds. The process is called 'learning'. Try it.

  • I can use what I know or I can explain it. One takes ten seconds, the other an hour. Choose one.

  • No I do not know about interior decorating, I'm not outrageously catty, I don't like musicals, I don't give a flying fuck about fashion and I'm not remotely fabulous. I'm just gay. Learn the difference.

  • Why do you keep mentioning your girlfriend, but never saying anything about her?

  • Quite right, I don't need this bar of chocolate. I just like it.

  • An apology means you're sorry for being a hour late. But you're always late and you're always sorry. Trying being on-time instead.

  • Do you want a friend or an echo chamber? Yes, there is a difference.


  1. KAPI: No I do not know about interior decorating, I'm not outrageously catty, I don't like musicals, I don't give a flying fuck about fashion and I'm not remotely fabulous. I'm just gay. Learn the difference.

    But you’ll still do my hair, right?

  2. I do not care about Justin Bieber.

    I don't even know who he is.

    I do not have issues with authority. I have issues with incompetence, stupidity and lies - whether they come from authority figures or not.

    Here, here!

    Quite right, I don't need this bar of chocolate. I just like it.

    My most meaningful relationships are with big thick slabs of chocolate.
