Spiced Ham

What an interesting person just commented on the previous post - Smadraji from New Delhi,

They've got nine blogs. In one they write potted Indian history articles. In another they're a wine connaseur.

They're also prepubsescent, and have they following fascinated comments on their single post:

* "Very interesting."

* "yes i agree interesting."

When they're not being prepubsecent, they write about gay issues, especially those related to travel.

I wonder how they find the time to write about online marketing on three of their other blogs. Amazing.

Amazing, that is, they're so inept at it.


  1. Wow! A person with multiple personalities blogs! I wonder if it's part of some therapy and how do they work out sharing the computer!

  2. When one personality gets Delhi Belly, do they all come down with it?
