It's a Plot, I Tell You!

From the way it's spent most of the last two days raining, and the wind, and the cold, I'd say the British summer is over. So no more pretentious people having an excuse to wear cool sunglasses, no more students in shorts to perve over, and once again this town can stop pretending to be a holiday resort.

Back to having the electric blanket plugged in, father moaning about how having the gas fire on costs him a fortune, and the big warm leather jacket that makes me look like those 'heavy' men from those beer adverts.
It must be fate. Without knowing that yesterday I started to write a short story, today Mother impulsively buys me software for aspiring authors. It's called 'Write Ambition' and I can't find a webpage for it but it should be arriving in the post soon.

It's a way to organise plot notes, character sketches, chapters and everything the author usually keeps written on the backs of envelopes.
There's two weeks till the LMHR gig, and 2 of the 5 backing tracks (or karaoke tracks, if you prefer) are just about done - Fear is Free and Friend.

A few weeks ago I put all the Reason RNS and Audition SES and WAV files I could find onto a DVD, so I could find all my studio files in one place. Secure in the knowledge that I could delete the original files, I then promptly lost the disc, so I'm recreating past work from memory, from scratch.

Here I am on the publicity poster. Bottom of the bill. Huh.

1 comment:

  1. Hey! Kapitano on a poster. Cool!

    Make sure you keep a copy in mint condition for the 2050 sotheby's sale of rock and pop memorabilia.

    And Record the gig.

    for plot notes you could try Taonotes which is free and very flexible.
