Luverly Spam

Fans of Star Trek will know the Ferrengi Rule of Aquisition "War is good for business". Today, I recieved five copies of a piece of spam, urging me to buy shares in DFSE. Correcting the layout and ASCII coding, this is what it said:



DEFENSE DIRECTIVE (ticker: DFSE), a major producer of weaponized chemicals and anti-terrorism detection devices will be going public Tuesday, October 10th. The products that Defense Directive creates are utilized in each major airport in the U.S., and the company has key long-term gov't contracts to furnish the United States military with DFSE's equipment. Talk about a company with products in high demand! DFSE's military contracts will guarantee this company a instant revenue stream that simply won\'t be ignored.

This IPO is certain to generate heavy interest from the investment community, as well as all important media coverage due to the current upheaval in the Mid East.

Don't pass up your rare opportunity to play a role in this guaranteed winner IPO! Buy DFSE while its still under $3.00)!

After searching the web, I now know that DFSE, when not standing for "Dearborn Federation of School Employees" or "Distributor Field Service Engineer", simply means "DeFenSE" as a category of business. I don't know what an IPO is, and can't remember what NASDAQ stands for. So perhaps I'm not in the target group.

Maybe this is the 21st century equivalent of War Bonds - a way to get the public to pay for the state's war. Or an indication that Defence Directive Inc are in financial trouble.

In any case, I won't be investing because:
* I don't have any money.
* I'm not sure of the rules about non-US nationals investing in NASDAQ companies.
* There are some niggling ethical problems about investing in mass murder and police state technology.
* The bigger the hype, the more desperation and worry is being covered up - and this spam is full of hype.
* Spam is inherantly untrustworthy anyway. Especially what the subject line is "hey".

Simon M's birthday today, though like all respectable ladies, he won't say exactly how old he is. With luck, he'll be writing for his blog soon - and it'll be proper political stuff too, with insight and historical knowledge and things. When he does, I'll put it on the blogroll.

In the meantime, Happy Birthday, comrade.

I read that I should drink one ounce of water for every two pounds of my bodyweight, every day. As I'm not sure how to convert ounces into centilitres, I'll just try drinking lots of water.

There are some websites - particularly blogs - concerned entirely with the wierdness of other websites. It's like recording an album where all the songs are about pyschadelic albums by other bands - which could be a cool idea, actually. It's probably called Metablogging or Webology or something.

Anyway, this is one of them, and it doesn't just say "Hey kids, here's the site of a really crazy/cool/wierd/fringe/schitzophrenic person! Go see it". There's readable musings and well-researched articles to go with the links that illustrate them.

Well, I like it.

1 comment:

  1. Oh c'mon. The United States needs some more foreign investment. :-P
