A Man of Many Talents

I had half an hour to put together a banner for Simon's business so threw together five in the scattergun approach that if you try something enough times, it'll come out right eventually by the laws of chance. Here they are, together with the reactions they caused.

Remember when film credits looked like that?"Mmmm. Very butch."


"Camp as tits."
(and BTW I don't know what went wrong with the colour on this one - interesting effect though)

"Camp as one tit."
(this one is meant to be in black and white)

"That one'll do."
(first and quickest one I did)
Having taken up residence in my ears for a day after moving out from my nose, throat and chest, the virus has finally gone. Now remind me what I was going to do with my voice when I got it back?

Oh yes. Now which of the discs marked "Backup" contains the MIDI files, samples and lyrics?
I got involved in an argument over at ScienceBlogs over those dratted Danish cartoons, which are still triggering completely unproductive debate in academia.

The dominant position seems to be that the cartoons were a valid (if crude) criticism of the whole of Islamic faith and politics, and as such are justified under freedom of speech. Oh and by the way the response of the homogenous islamic world shows the criticisms to be accurate.

My position is that the cartoons were not created as a critique of everything islamic, but as a calculated insult to the muslims of Denmark. To make fun of a powerful group is satire, but to make fun of an opressed group is bullying.

When asking whether it was right or justified to publish the cartoons, you need to ask who was doing to publishing (a far right agitational magazine), who the audiance was, and what effect was intended.

If they'd been published by a jewish group in Iran, they obviously would have meant something different, because they would have had a different target and purpose.

As usual, I was accused of being a "postmodern relativist" for mentioning context.
Evening meal and living-room-concert tomorrow with Strict Machines and their family members.

They're planning a "proper demo CD" and have found a "proper sound recordist" with a "proper studio". No I don't feel snubbed at all. Not one little bit. Humph.

1 comment:

  1. If you cannot make them 'see reason', try calling them 'Racists'. That is usually quite a potent show-stopper and generally prevents people pursuing their line of inquiry.
