Streetwise Sunday - Fitness Fad Edition

You decide to get fit. What's the first thing you do? Come up with an exercise regime? Stop eating chips? Go on ebay looking for cheap treadmills? Tell someone?

No, before you do any of that, you've got to have the right clothes. Jogging shoes, training suits, and maybe one of those nifty pedometer plugins for your iPhone. So, all fired up, you go to Sports-Stuff-R-Us and get your gear, because you've got to do this fitness thing properly, right?

Then a week later you're so pissed off with feeling exhausted all the time while still being exactly as fat as you were before, you throw the gear out of the window.

This is one item I thought about taking home but didn't.


  1. Erm, well I've had a few fitness fads of my own, and I've still got the gear.

    Wearing two layers of it now in fact - keeps out the cold pretty well.

    (captcha: wanti. Hmmm)

  2. This is one item I thought about taking home but didn't.

    So, did you take home the person who took those items off instead, then? ;)
