The Old One

Five ways I know I'm getting old:

(1) Songs from my youth are on Radio 2. The BBC runs eleven national radio channels, among them Radio 1 for contemporary pop appealing to teenagers, and Radio 2 for tedious old farts politely referred to as "over 35s" - who don't like loud or strange music but also aren't into classical or jazz.

When I was in Radio 1's "target demographic", Radio 2 featured morning programmes dedicated to songs from stage musicals, and evening programmes for big band dancehall stuff from the 1940s and 50s.

Now it's got Human League, Ultravox and (oh the horror) Status Quo.

(2) Recession and mass bankruptcy. Coalition and Conservative government. Casual racism from the public and simpering patriotism in the newspapers. Idiots saying "I'm not sexist, I love pretty girls", TV news being thinly disguised advertising for other programmes, and the Brain Drain.

All things I spent half of my adult life being told were gone - and good riddance. Yes, I remember them all from the last time. At least I don't remember them from the time before that

(3) I don't associate much with people my own age - because they're boring.

It's a jolt to realise the thirty six year old man in the pub pontificating on subjects he know nothing about as an elder to a skinny-jeaned group of students half his younger than me.

(4) I automatically expect the next big thing to be the same shit in different packaging. The iPad - a glorified netbook. Lady Gaga - early Madonna with even worse dress sense. The latest political theory - trickledown Regenomics. Another royal wedding - another PR stunt.

(5) Questions like "What am I supposed to be doing with my life?" overshadow questions like "What do I want to do today?"

I had my midlife crisis when I was fifteen. Another one is just not welcome.


  1. I automatically expect the next big thing to be the same shit in different packaging.

    What you call old, I call wisdom.

  2. What I call old, Kapitano finds edible.


  3. @THG: Three weeks away from my 39th birthday, my 17 year old self seems wrong about all the details, but right about the overall shape.

    @David: I prefer the term "mature" :-). I like my cheese, wine and colleagues mature. My music, porn and friends immature.

  4. Luv Lady Gaga!

    And luv that Ke$ha with lines like, "Got Jesus on my necklace" right after she sings about turning hipsters on with her hot pants!!!

    Happy New Year, Kapi!!!


  5. Than you very much, MJ and Eros - the god of love and goddess of info.

    If you want to know how I started 2011, it's in the next post. And a happy new year after the crappy old year to you.
