Feeling better now! After a full day of nothing but...

...I'm now pain free and feeling more like...

Which is good, as I've run out of croppable gloryhole pictures. So, where were we?


  1. Those were gloryhole shots? I thought they were just guys thrown up against a wall for a pose--a look I very much appreciate, BTW.


    Oh yeah, glad you're feeling better.


    What is it with people getting tattooed with Chinese characters?

  2. Don't feel you have to crop on my account.

  3. @David:

    You like seeing guys pressed up against a wall? :-). So do I, but I usually get to see them from a different angle. Heh.

    What is it with people getting tattooed with Chinese characters?

    Something to do with flirting with the exotic, without getting too close to it. Like white guys getting off on black porn, or teens getting into "witchcraft".

    You may have seen this blog about bad chinese tattoos. I found this one about bad hebrew tattoos.


    Hmmm. If I wanted to post actual porn with my jokes I'd...be Infomaniac!

  4. so many holes... so little glory. Well at least in my little corner of the world.

  5. And here I thought you're in the teaching profession. Who knew you were an expert at man holes?
