0015-0020: Check RSS feeds.
I'm currently having my little Firefox plugin monitor 76 feeds.
- 7 friends' blogs
- 7 twitter accounts
- 16 science blogs
- 4 politics blogs
- 19 music podcasts
- 5 short story podcasts
- 3 blogs about linguistics
- the inevitable 11 in the "Misc" category, and...
- 13 podcasts on politics and science - though I think I'll cut down on both.
Even people with a great deal of good stuff to say seem to feel the need to whitter on as though they were presenting a "light" afternoon chatshow.
Plus most people speak at 150-200 words per minute, and I can get my reading speed up to 1000 - the benefits of some intensive-but-inconclusive research on speedreading a decade ago. 400wpm is a good comfortable speed for anyone who reads a lot professionally - or has 76 RSS feeeds.
Of course, it took rather longer to write all that than to check the updates - and find nothing special.
People chatter to fill in the uncomfortable silences.
ReplyDeleteI have no clue how fast I can read or speak, but last I checked, I can type 36 words per minute. I was one of the slowest typists in typing class in high school!
I’m one of those pathetic people who have to read every word – I think it’s a combination of dyslexia and an improperly wired brain.