
I'm really, reaLLY pissed.

Happy christmas to everyone. Especially Donna and Simon who's got me moving their houses, especially my other comrades who turned my drunken ramblings into real politics, and thanks to P, who wouldn't let me kiss him, for all the right reasons.

Goodnight everyone, and maybe someone can explain where I got this big red bruise on my forehead.


  1. You crossed the line between posts being "personal" and "TOO personal". You shouldn't use my full name, just the abbrevattion. EDIT THAT OUT, please! Don't be an opportunist in personal relations.

    You banged your head against the stairs or the rail in the house yesterday.

  2. I'll give you a sisterly kiss on your owie.

    Happy Christmas, Kapi.

  3. Did you check your knees for any scratches?
