Off to See the Wizard

Right. I'm packed, GBP500 overdrawn and ready to leave.

I've got a train ticket, clothes, paperwork and a nagging conviction that I've forgotten something. Of course, I always have a nagging conviction that I've forgotten something, but then, I usually have forgotten something.

The soundtrack to my nights over the next month will be rips from Paxahau, a rather lovely station playing electronic ambient music.

It's the opposite of exciting. Not dull - calming. Often not really music at all, just sound that washes over you. Good for soothing me off to sleep when my brain would rather worry or obsess.

There will be limited net access, so I'll post in spare moments.

See you.


  1. All the best, have fun, and take care!

  2. I do wish you all the best, dear Kapitano! You know I do!
    I'll be eagerly looking forward to your coming back, really!
    Take care!
    Hugs! :-)

  3. All the best, hen! Don't forget us!
