Which is More Absurd?

A night in with Simon M. Tonight's menu was roast chicken with vegetables, followed by a second helping, followed by a third helping, served with red wine. And for dessert, coco flavoured ice cream covered in cream, followed by...er, a second helping.

All consumed while watching Shaun of the Dead and Vaults of Horror. The former is probably the only romantic comedy I'd recommend - certainly the only romantic comedy about flesh eating zombies. Later there was tea and cakes.

You may have seen the 'egg' credit card commercial featuring two bon viveur guinea pigs with camp northern accents. A credit card marketed at gay men isn't quite the kind of equality we campaigned for many years for but anyway, we two did slightly resemble the cute cuddly animals.

The other gay event of the day was the News of the Screws leading with a story about two unnamed soccer players (and a 'music industry' friend) being filmed (by someone unknown) having an 'orgy' and committing 'an act too obscene to describe' with a mobile phone. Odd how a newspaper so obsessed with what celebrities do with their mouths and their genitals feels the need to asterisk out the words 'Blow Job'.

In any case, the soccerboys were then relegated to inside pages by the breaking story of British troops beating up teenagers in Iraq. 4 boys in early teens were kicked and hit with batons by 8+ uniformed men, encouraged by a corporal filming it. The film, it seems, passed for entertainment back at the barracks.

The MoD issued a hasty stock response - 'serious allegations' etc - and the cable news channels followed the line that this was exceptional behavior.

Torturing prisoners, randomly shooting, attacking civillians - is anyone still remotely surprised at this? Does anyone seriously think 'interrogation' means 'asking questions' and 'keeping order' means 'preventing looters'? You can't have a war without war crimes, or an occupation without terror. I mean, it's what soldiers are for.

Elsewhere, the US is considering military action against sites of nuclear development in Iran, whose government is bizarrely conflating antiamericanism with holocaust denial, while someone has managed to persuade hundreds of thousands of muslims that 12 peurille cartoons constitute genocidal intent.

You may well wonder why I prefer to think about northern guinea pigs and soccer players with vibrating phones in their underwear - it seems more comprehensible.

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