Goose Abuse

Today, the internet was enriched by two posts from the mysterious 'Eight Tons of Geese'. First to the pleasantly silly Trouser Quandry Resolution blog.

Dear Sir and/or Madam,

I was looking forward to a quiet day masticating the fellini when I was shocked - shocked, sir - out of my reverie custard when I stumbulated upon your murdulous so-called "Blog".

Imagine my surprise when you mentioned my home town of Pwntfoas (in Upper Wales) in what can only be loosely described as a trundle of gloatwurd. This glaceful little villiage, only a mile from the pig factory and famous of it's 'Mr Sheen' brand of cheese, is a decent, honest, hardworking, godfearing little shithole and I and my surviving grandmothers must protest in the strongest possible terms.

Pwntfoas (in Upper Wales) is unusened to such frandulous renuncitation. You have slanderised our goodly name and you - you, sir - shall briefly be hearing from my solicitator.

Yours enclosedly,
Psilocybine Floncington-Smythe (Mrs)

PS. Fancy a shag?

Second, to the even sillier but not remotely pleasant Delusion Resistance. A christian site against belief in UFOs and evolution, found at the ever useful

i no the bibal is tru becos it ses it is. and i want to go to heven not to hel becos of al the devils with red hot pitchforks poking it up the evil gays even tho they lik that sort of thing any way. they must be sik these perverts taking it up the bumhole oh dear god in heven they make me feel so mad an hot angree.

eviluton is disprooved by the sientific fact of five persent of a wings. a creeture with no wings cant becom one with wings without first having five persent of a wings an then ten percent and then fiftin persent but it can only fly with a hundred persent of a wings so wots the five persent good four huh? huh?

the sily eviluton men dont think of that did they! any way ther probly al homersexul any way making bad noizes with each other in the bushes going groan oh oh give it to me harder big boy lik siko pervs. i dont lik to think about all the stuff they do.

I wonder who it could possibly be?

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