Home Alone 3

The parents will be off visiting relatives for most of sunday, and I'm left to look after the dogs, answer the phone and "hold the fort". which means I have several hours alone to record some vocals - and no worries about offending nearby ears with my vocal stylings.

Assuming it's one of those days when (a) I'm awake and (b) I can actually sing.

In the evening I'll be chairing a forum on islamophobia and those cartoons. One of the nice things about being chair is I don't have to say anything intelligent - I just shut people up if they twitter on for too long.


  1. Take a big gavel and bang it a lot. Anyway who honestly in their right minds is Islamaphobic? Other than a few catoonists who probably didn't realise quite what they were doing.

  2. Oh yeah. Congrats on getting back into music. It's been waaaaaaay too long!

  3. >Anyway who honestly in their right
    >minds is Islamaphobic? Other than a
    >few catoonists who probably didn't
    >realise quite what they were doing.

    I wish. I've been reading articles by people who think they're leftwing and enlightened. They argue that Islam has always been inherantly terrorist religion - though for some reason has only started doing terror recently.

    The cartoonists were specially commissioned by a far right magazine to make offensive images. It was a calculated act which has succeeded beyond the wildest hopes of the editors.

    Anyway, music may not be an answer, but it's much more pleasurable than the question.
