It's Good to Talk

Before I delete them, here are the last 12 month's comments on my old - and empty - yotube channel, presented for your edification:

TaqiyyaExposer: Ow so you're either a fucking Muslim or an absolutely hardliner leftist. Either way, may you die slowly and painfully.

zailaach: you must be a liberal lunatic who just sits on his ass probably wayy too gay and lazy to work, lives on welfare, and from the sound of his comments definitely a drug dealer or some sort, I honestly feel bad for you, what a sad way of living, Get a job and be useful instead of stealing my tax money and be pathetic have a good life !!!!

CoDeNaMeCrZyChCk: JESUS LOVES YOU!!!! You may not love Jesus back, but guess what he still died for you.

CoDeNaMeCrZyChCk: You're an old geezer.

MaIcoImZieI: Chose God.

Celovath: The mainstream beholders has you by the balls...Later dude.

penisfuckeye: "Gallup polls" are fabricated.

xxNephlimxx: im am the smartest one on here. gays are dumb.

xa25: loser faggot

xa25: go suck on a tail pipe faggot

other9421ify: great channel

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