Children of the Night

An idea's just popped into my head:

There's an attitude which says "There's a universe of strange stuff out there."...and after a pause adds "It's terrifying!". That's horror.

There's also an attitude which presupposes the same universe but adds, "Wow, let's explore!". That's science fiction.

And somewhere in between there's an attitude which adds "We must civilise it!". That's...bad science fiction. AKA, most science fiction.

It's commonplace that horror and scifi (and fantasy and porn) blend into each other at the edges, but what I'm suggesting here is a sliding scale, something like this:

Cowering in terrorLovecraft
Resigned to horrorPoe
Defensive warBattlestar Gallactica
Star Trek DS9
Star Wars
Kill all bugsStarship Troopers
Invasion of the Bodysnatchers
Civilising the nativesStar Trek TOS
Planet of the Apes
Enlightened empireEE Doc Smith
Orson Scott Card
Babylon 5
Star Trek TNG
Cute childlike aliensSpace Precinct
Mork & Mindy
Peaceful coexistence2001

And now, the next time you've got three and a half hours to spare, see if you can figure out where Bram Stoker's Dracula fits on the scale.

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