
What does it mean when you apply for a raft of teaching posts, and within twelve hours the school asks you to provide more information about yourself? I guess it means I'm on the "maybe" pile of applications...and they don't have a "definitely" pile. Or probably much of a pile at all - which is probably good for me.

Anyway, tomorrow (later today) the jobcentre have finally found time to see me so I can claim. There are several ironies implicit in this, not least that they'll want me to restart that worthless government scheme yet again.

Now is not a good time to lose my passport. Therefore that is exactly what I have done.

If I believed in Freud, I might think I did it deliberately. If I believed in God, I might think he was trying to tell me something. And if I believed in fate, I'd be inclined to fight against it.

I just believe I'm a bit untidy,

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