Twelve Fails of Christmas


These are periods of a few days or weeks, which you set aside and plan ahead to enjoy yourself. In the event you probably don't enjoy it, but you take some photos to look at later and tell yourself you did.

But there are two kinds of holidays. Ones where you go somewhere new, meet new people and try out new things. And ones where you stay at home (or go home), spend a long time with people you already know quite well enough...and eat too much. the second kind.

So once you've eaten enough turkey and chocolates to feed a small African country, exchanged giftwrapped socks with distant cousins, made smalltalk with people you normally avoid because of their tedious smalltalk, and got slightly drunk on that bottle of special liquer that's been sitting on a shelf since last year...what is there to do?

Watch TV. Always a favourite.

Watch a DVD.

Read a book.

Practice the guitar. (Which I've been meaning to do.)

Have some friends over.

Catch up on sleep.

Wake yourself up with a refreshing shower.

Or a bath.

A big, luxurious bath.

Have a beer. Always a reliable time-filler. (Even though I hate beer.)

Put up the decorations.

Potter around on the computer. Write a blog post or something - and maybe find a use for some of those pictures which have been cluttering up your hard drive.

Guess which one I did?

So, have a happy Hannukah, prosperous Kwanzaa, merry Festival of Saturn, enjoyable Winter Solstice...or a Noodly Holiday if you're feeling geeky. Anything but christmas.


  1. -----((*))--

    Feliz Navidad, Kapi!

  2. Happy Worse'name, Kap! :)

    Yes, I'm late. Still, better late than ... isn't it? Surely it is.

    Captcha: frouship - from that famous science fiction film about famous science fiction characters and stuff.

    Camy the anon-i-mouse

  3. Hai Camy. You sound a little seasonally drunk. Which makes two of us.

    Happy worstname to you too, and a new year that leaves the old one firmly behind.

    Capcha: Mester. Which almost *is* a character from a famous science fiction film. The Seven Samurai in space - Battle Beyond the Stars.
