Start as You Mean to Go On

How I spent New Year's Eve:

1) Getting rather drunk with comrades.

2) Spending an hour waiting for someone to turn up for a sex date. He's lonely, affectionate, and absolutely always late.

3) Having my back pressed against a brick wall for 90 minutes, thinking "It's nice, but I'm cold, my feet hurt and I kind of wish you'd get jawache so I can go home."

4) Making a new year's resolution not to do this again.

5) Sleeping from 4 till 2.

6) Getting lost in side streets on my way to a new year's party.

How I spent New Year's Day:

1) Getting rather drunk and eating too much at a party. And being part of a chorus of banging saucepans with rolling pins to greet 2007.

2) Chasing a lot of children around going "Grrr!" and "I'm going to eat you!". And getting tied up with tinsel by some of the girls.

3) Talking with comrades until...nine in the morning.

4) Being a pillow for one of them when she went to sleep.

5) Walking home looking like I'd been awake for 20 hours and hungover for 6.

6) Sleeping the rest of the day.

7) Eating the absolutely final last bits of the leftover turkey.

Well, as Alan Plater once wrote, "Back to abnormal".


  1. Your back pressed against a brick wall for 90 minutes? Now THAT'S the best New Year's Eve story I've read yet despite your aching feet.

  2. You could have just told me the brick wall was cold, dork. :-)

  3. 90 minutes?! Isn't that far too long for an outside quickie one?... I don't know...
    Have a great 2007, Captain!

  4. This man never does anything quickly, or on time.

    But thanks, and you have one too. I mean a great 2007, not a 90 long-quickie against the wall. Unless you want one.

  5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  6. Thank you so very much, Captain, as far as 2007 is concerned.
    As to quick things, I'd rather not... You know, I'm really oldfashioned, and I do love my bed... Or any bed, for all it matters...

  7. Ninety minutes??? I think other parts of you would be aching more than your feet.

    What a fabulous way to start the year!
