One Damn Thing After Another

Things I didn't need today:
* To still have a cold, with all attendant symptoms.
* To get a call asking me to please please help out with some important academic work that's half written and due in tomorrow.
* The weather to be bloody freezing on the way there.
* The help to last six hours instead of the expected two.
* To be asked to put some video onto a DVD by tomorrow because the student's ex-boyfriend's dad who was going to do it can't.
* To have a computer back home that isn't yet set up to do it.
* To find the video and audio programs both refuse to install properly, so I can't make the DVD. Or do anything else.

So what else don't I need to happen? How about a nosebleed?

Yep, got one of those too.

Oh, and another one, just as I was writing that.


  1. Yikes! Are the nose bleeds from the dry indoor air? Maybe you need a humidifier.

  2. I don't think we have dry air in Britain. Our weather has two states:
    (1) Too hot, and Damp
    (2) Too cold, and Damp

    Maybe that's why humidifiers never really caught on over here. Dehumidifiers, on the other hand...

    I think the nosebleeds came from having inflamed sinus linings combined with lots of nose-blowing.
