Scissors and trousers are the obvious examples, but the COED lists 598.
There's no logical reason why you can't use any of these words in the singular, but aside from a gay pride march, when have you ever worn one trunk? Is the smallest unit of greeting one felicitaion? If your room is only slightly messy, is that a shamble? How cold are you if you have a solitary goosebump? What kind of surgery can a doctor do with one forcep? So far in this country I haven't got up to a single shenanigan, or had just one operatic.
So welcome to my ephemerum, which required just one cojone to make, and is best seen through a binocular. 598 plural nouns.
abdabs | ackers | acrobatics |
adenoids | adnexa | aerobatics |
aerobics | aerodynamics | aeronautics |
aesthetics | Africana | afterpains |
afters | agnolotti | airwaves |
Albigenses | alexanders | alms |
amaretti | amends | Americana |
Amish | analects | animatronics |
annals | annates | anthropophagi |
antics | Antipodes | Apocrypha |
apologetics | aquarobics | arcana |
archaea | archaebacteria | arisings |
arms | arrears | astronautics |
astrophysics | athletics | atmospherics |
avionics | Bacchanalia | backblocks |
backstairs | backwoods | badlands |
Baganda | ballistics | ballocks |
banns | barracks | Basotho |
battels | bedclothes | beestings |
Belgae | bell | belles |
bellows | belongings | bibliometrics |
bilboes | billiards | binoculars |
biodata | biodynamics | bioenergetics |
bioethics | bioinformatics | biomechanics |
bionomics | biophysics | biosolids |
biosystematics | biscotti | blandishments |
blini | blinks | bliny |
bloomers | bluchers | blues |
bollocks | boondocks | boonies |
bowls | branks | breeches |
breeks | briefs | bristols |
Bros | buckyballs | buckytubes |
bumsters | cahoots | calamari |
calends | calisthenics | Callanetics |
callisthenics | camiknickers | cannelloni |
cantharides | capellini | cappelletti |
castanets | cattle | chaparajos |
chaps | chausses | Chilopoda |
chitterlings | chives | chops |
chromodynamics | chuddies | churidars |
circs | civics | cladistics |
clamdiggers | claspers | claves |
cleavers | cliometrics | clothes |
coccidia | cognoscenti | cojones |
collywobbles | combinatorics | commons |
congrats | Consols | cornflakes |
cornrows | craps | crenellations |
criminalistics | crosstrees | crostini |
crudités | cryogenics | cryonics |
culottes | culturati | curiosa |
customs | cyanobacteria | cybernetics |
cytogenetics | daks | darbies |
darts | dermatoglyphics | deserts |
Dianetics | dibs | dietetics |
digerati | diggings | digs |
dioptrics | dogmatics | doldrums |
dramatics | dreadlocks | dregs |
droppings | DTs | duckboards |
dumps | dynamics | earmuffs |
earnings | eaves | Ebonics |
econometrics | economics | eights |
ejecta | electro | electrodynamics |
electronics | elevenses | energetics |
entrails | environs | ephemera |
equites | ergonomics | erotica |
esoterica | estovers | ethics |
eubacteria | eugenics | Eumenides |
eurhythmics | eurythmics | evens |
exequies | exotica | exuviae |
facetiae | faeces | fajitas |
falsies | fantods | farfalle |
fasces | fauces | fedayeen |
felicitations | felloes | fettuccine |
fidayeen | filings | fisherfolk |
fisticuffs | fives | fleshpots |
flews | flinders | fluidics |
folk | folkways | fomites |
footlights | forceps | forequarters |
frites | fry | fusilli |
galligaskins | gallows | galluses |
gasworks | genetics | genitalia |
genomics | gentlefolk | geophysics |
geotechnics | geriatrics | giblets |
glanders | glasses | gleanings |
glitterati | gnashers | gnocchi |
goings | goods | goosebumps |
goujons | graffiti | graphics |
grissini | grits | groats |
grouts | gubbins | gymnastics |
habdabs | hachures | Hagiographa |
halteres | hames | have |
heebie | hindquarters | hip |
hives | hols | housewares |
hunkers | hydraulics | hydrodynamics |
hydromagnetics | hydromechanics | hydroponics |
Iceni | ides | illuminati |
imaginings | impedimenta | indicia |
informatics | innards | isagogics |
isometrics | jeans | jim |
jodhpurs | Joneses | juvenilia |
kalends | kecks | keftedes |
kinematics | kinesics | kinetics |
kinfolk | kinsfolk | knickers |
kreplach | krill | kuccha |
lamb's | lapilli | lares |
lashings | leavings | lederhosen |
lees | leggings | Lepidoptera |
lights | linguine | linguistics |
links | literati | logistics |
loons | Maccabees | macroeconomics |
macrolepidoptera | magnetohydrodynamics | manes |
marginalia | married | mathematics |
maths | means | measles |
mechanics | mechatronics | megabucks |
memorabilia | menfolk | meninges |
menses | metalinguistics | metaphysics |
microeconomics | microelectronics | microglia |
microlepidoptera | microphysics | militaria |
minutiae | miscellanea | mnemonics |
Mods | moletronics | moneybags |
monkeyshines | morbilli | mores |
morphemics | morphometrics | mujahedin |
mumps | munchies | muniments |
munition | mustachios | nares |
nates | neurolinguistics | nightclothes |
ninepins | nones | noughties |
nucleonics | numbles | numismatics |
obsequies | odds | off |
oligodendroglia | onomastics | oodles |
operatics | optics | optoelectronics |
orecchiette | orientalia | orthodontics |
orthopaedics | orthoptics | orthotics |
orts | otaku | outskirts |
overtrousers | paediatrics | pajamas |
pantalettes | panties | pantihose |
pants | pantyhose | pappardelle |
paralipomena | Paralympics | paratroops |
parings | pataphysics | payess |
pease | pediatrics | penates |
penetralia | penne | people |
periodontics | perogi | personnel |
pharmacodynamics | pharmacogenomics | pharmacokinetics |
phonetics | phonics | photovoltaics |
physics | pickings | pierogi |
pilliwinks | piroshki | plaudits |
pliers | pneumatics | poetics |
politics | porcini | pragmatics |
premises | proceedings | proceeds |
prosthetics | proteomics | proxemics |
pseudepigrapha | psy | psychodynamics |
psychographics | psycholinguistics | psychometrics |
psychophysics | psychotronics | pyjamas |
pyrotechnics | rackets | radionics |
ramen | ramsons | ratlines |
ravioli | rectrices | regalia |
regimentals | reliquiae | remains |
remiges | reprographics | rheumatics |
riches | rigatoni | rillettes |
robotics | rompers | rounders |
salopettes | Sami | sastrugi |
scads | scanty | schlieren |
scissors | secateurs | sedilia |
semantics | semi | semiotics |
separate | shambles | shears |
shenanigans | shingles | shorts |
Siksika | skunkworks | smithereens |
soapsuds | sociolinguistics | sonics |
spätzle | spaetzle | spaghetti |
spaghettini | specs | spectacles |
spindle | spondulicks | squitters |
staggers | statics | statistics |
stats | steelworks | stemmatics |
sternsheets | stovies | strangles |
stylistics | subtropics | suds |
sunglasses | supersonics | surroundings |
sweatpants | systematics | tagliatelle |
talaria | tapas | tectonics |
tectonophysics | tectrices | teens |
tefillin | telecoms | telematics |
telesales | Tenebrae | tennies |
teraphim | thanks | therapeutics |
thermae | thermodynamics | thinnings |
throes | tidings | tights |
timpani | tinsnips | toiletries |
toils | tongs | toreutics |
tortelli | townspeople | tracasseries |
tradespeople | traps | trews |
trivia | trousers | trunks |
tsitzit | tweezers | tympani |
ultrasonics | umbles | underclothes |
underpants | undershorts | underthings |
undies | vermicelli | vibrissae |
Victoriana | videographics | viscera |
vivers | Waldenses | waterfowl |
waterworks | WAVES | weeds |
weejuns | wildfowl | willies |
wimmin | withers | womenfolk |
womyn | workpeople | Y-fronts |
yaws | yips | yonks |
ziti |
As someone who loves language and words, I'd never given this any thought before.
ReplyDeleteI enjoy your language posts very much even if I don't always comment on them.
Maths? Don't you mean math, without the 's'? This 's' spelling is news to me! :)
ReplyDelete@MJ: I hadn't given it much thought either - and it's supposed to be my job to know about this sort of stuff.
ReplyDeleteBTW, I haven't been to your blog recently's considered sufficiently likely to corrupt and morally deprave, that the Saudi government has blocked it. I'd consider that a perverse compliment.
@Eroswings: In America it's 'math', in Britain it's 'maths' - both obviously short for 'mathematics'.
Is 'mathematics' plural? What about 'politics', 'economics' and 'informatics'? I don't even know whether 'linguistics' is really a plural or just looks like one.