In traditional grammar, we call this second kind of adjective an 'adverb'. But we also use the word 'adverb' to refer to words which don't have multiple forms, and which aren't noun-describing adjectives with '-ly' stuck on the end, but which do describe verbs. Or sometimes whole sentences. Except when they don't.
Words like 'Yesterday', 'Today' and 'Tomorrow', but also 'Westward', 'goddam', 'hereby', 'nowadays' and 'pell-mell'.
The category of 'secondary adverb' - the first sense that I gave - is fairly robust. There's even a few irregular secondary adverbs - we have "The car drives fast" instead of "The car drives fastly", and "The student did well" instead of "The student did goodly". Some secondary adverbs have meanings that have shifted away from their adjective roots - 'hopefully' doesn't mean 'full of hope', 'sorely' is always emotional soreness, and 'positively' only reflects some senses of 'positive'.
'Leisurely' looks like an adverb from an adjective, but it's actually an adjective from a noun. The same for 'westerly'. And what's the form of an adverb from an adjective that looks like an adverb already? The same one. Obviously, duh.
But primary adverbs - ones that usually-but-not-always don't come from adjectives and usually-but-not-always have only one form...that's a ragbag category. I think it's more a place to put anything that won't go anywhere else. It should be marked 'Misc' or 'Other'. Or 'Don't Know'.
Though I should stress that half of them are also listed as adjective. Or conjunctions, exclamations etc. The COED lists 913 of these words - not including the 'relative' and 'interrogative' adverbs, of which more later.
2- | 24-7 | A-OK |
abeam | abed | aboard |
aborning | about | above |
abreast | abroad | absolutely |
accelerando | according | accordingly |
across | actually | ad-lib |
adrift | afar | afield |
afire | aflame | afloat |
afoot | afoul | afresh |
aft | after | afternoon |
afterwards | again | agitato |
agley | ago | aground |
ahead | ajar | akimbo |
alee | alfresco | alias |
alight | alike | all |
allargando | allegretto | almost |
aloft | alone | along |
alongshore | aloud | alow |
already | alright | also |
altogether | alway | always |
amidships | amiss | amok |
amoroso | amuck | andantino |
anew | anglice | animato |
anon | ante-mortem | anticlockwise |
any | anyhow | anymore |
anyplace | anytime | anyway |
anyways | anywhere | anywheres |
anywise | apace | apart |
apiece | arco | aright |
around | arsy-versy | as |
ashore | aside | askance |
askew | aslant | asleep |
aslope | asprawl | asquint |
ass-backwards | assai | astern |
astray | astride | asunder |
aswirl | athwart | atilt |
atop | away | awfully |
awhile | awry | aye |
back | back-to-back | backstage |
backward | backwards | badly |
bally | bang | bareback |
barefoot | barehanded | bareheaded |
barely | basically | before |
beforehand | behind | below |
beneath | besides | best |
betimes | better | between |
betwixt | beyond | bimonthly |
bis | bitching | biweekly |
biyearly | blind | blindfold |
blooey | bodily | both |
boustrophedon | broadcast | broadside |
but | by | calando |
cantabile | capriccioso | cater-cornered |
certainly | cheap | cheerly |
chiefly | citywide | clean |
cleanly | clear | clearly |
clockwise | close | close-hauled |
collect | commonly | comparatively |
completely | confessedly | consequently |
considering | contrariwise | cornerwise |
counter | counterclockwise | countrywide |
crabwise | crescendo | cross-legged |
crosswise | currently | cy-pres |
daily | dead | deadly |
deadpan | dear | dearly |
deceptively | decrescendo | deep |
definitely | designedly | devilish |
ding-dong | dinkum | direct |
directly | dirty | doggo |
dolce | double | doubtless |
down | downfield | downhill |
downmarket | downmost | downright |
downriver | downslope | downstage |
downstairs | downstate | downstream |
downtown | downward | downwind |
drily | dry-shod | dryly |
due | duly | duty-free |
e'en | e'er | each |
each-way | early | easily |
east | easterly | eastward |
economically | edgeways | either |
eke | else | elsewhere |
endways | enough | entirely |
equally | erewhile | ergo |
erst | erstwhile | especially |
espressivo | even | even-steven |
evening | ever | evermore |
everyplace | everywhere | ex-works |
exactly | exceedingly | express |
extempore | extra | fair |
fairly | faithfully | far |
farther | farthest | fast |
fifty-fifty | filthy | fine |
firm | first-hand | firstly |
flat | forbye | forehanded |
foremost | forever | formerly |
forsooth | forte | forth |
forthwith | fortissimo | fortunately |
forward | four-square | frankly |
free | freehand | freelance |
freely | fresh | Friday |
fro | fugato | full |
full-time | fully | furioso |
furthermore | furthest | gaily |
generally | gey | gingerly |
goddam | granted | gratis |
great | greatly | gross |
half | half-and-half | half-price |
half-yearly | halfway | happen |
hard | hardly | head-on |
head-to-head | headlong | heap |
heartily | hellish | helter-skelter |
hence | henceforth | here |
hereabouts | hereafter | hereat |
hereby | herein | hereinafter |
hereinbefore | hereof | hereto |
heretofore | hereunder | hereunto |
hereupon | herewith | higgledy-piggledy |
high | highly | hipshot |
hither | hitherward | holus-bolus |
home | homeward | honest |
honestly | hopefully | horseback |
hotfoot | hourly | house-to-house |
how | howbeit | however |
hugely | humanly | ibid. |
idem | ill | immediately |
immensely | impromptu | in |
in-house | in-store | inasmuch |
inboard | inbound | inchmeal |
incidentally | incognito | incommunicado |
indeed | indoors | infield |
inland | inly | inshore |
inside | insofar | insomuch |
instanter | instead | interest-free |
interim | interstate | inward |
inwards | irregardless | item |
jolly | just | kindly |
kitty-corner | knee-high | landward |
largely | larghetto | largo |
last | lastly | late |
lately | latish | latterly |
least | leastways | leeward |
left | legato | leisurely |
lengthways | lengthwise | lento |
less | lickety-split | lief |
like | likely | likewise |
literally | literatim | little |
live | long | longways |
lot | loud | low |
lower | lowly | luckily |
mañana | maestoso | mainly |
majorly | marcato | marginally |
materially | maybe | mayhap |
meantime | meanwhile | meno |
mercifully | merely | middling |
midmost | midships | midway |
midweek | mighty | mile |
mite | mob-handed | moderato |
molto | momentarily | momently |
Monday | mondo | monthly |
more | moreover | morning |
mosso | most | mostly |
much | mucho | multiply |
namely | natch | natheless |
naturally | nay | near |
nearby | nearly | necessarily |
need | neither | never |
nevermore | nevertheless | new |
newly | next | niggardly |
nigh | night | nightly |
no | nohow | non-stop |
none | nonetheless | nor |
normally | north | north-east |
north-easterly | north-eastward | north-west |
north-westerly | north-westward | northerly |
northward | not | notably |
nothing | notwithstanding | now |
nowadays | noway | nowhere |
nowise | nuff | o'clock |
o'er | obiter | off |
off-key | off-peak | off-piste |
off-plan | off-price | off-road |
offhand | offline | offshore |
offside | offstage | oft |
oft-times | often | oftentimes |
oh-so | OK | on |
once | one-to-one | online |
only | onshore | onside |
onstage | onward | openly |
opposite | otherwhere | otherwise |
out | outboard | outbound |
outdoors | outright | outside |
outward | outwards | over |
overall | overarm | overboard |
overground | overhand | overhead |
overland | overleaf | overlong |
overly | overmuch | overnight |
overseas | overside | overtime |
overtop | parlando | parrot-fashion |
part | part-time | part-way |
particularly | partly | passim |
past | pat | patently |
pell-mell | perchance | perforce |
perhaps | pianissimo | piano |
piecemeal | piggyback | pit-a-pat |
pitter-patter | plain | please |
plenty | plumb | plump |
poco | point-blank | poorly |
positively | possibly | post-haste |
powerful | practically | predominately |
presently | prestissimo | presto |
presumably | preterm | pretty |
primarily | principally | pro |
probably | professedly | prompt |
pronto | proper | properly |
purposely | pursuant | quarterly |
quite | rallentando | rarely |
rather | raving | readily |
ready | real | really |
rearward | regardless | regretfully |
respectively | richly | right |
rightly | ritardando | ritenuto |
rotten | roughly | round |
roundly | sadly | same |
Saturday | scarce | scherzando |
scilicet | scot-free | screamingly |
second-hand | seldom | semplice |
sempre | seq. | seriatim |
seriously | sforzando | sharp |
sheer | short | shortly |
sic | sidearm | sidelong |
sideways | sidewise | simpliciter |
simply | since | single-handed |
skew-whiff | sky-high | slap |
slapdash | slightly | slily |
smack | small | smartish |
smash | smooth | smorzando |
so | socking | soever |
soft | solely | solo |
some | somehow | someplace |
something | sometime | sometimes |
someway | somewhat | somewhen |
somewhere | sommer | soon |
sore | sorely | sound |
south | south-east | south-easterly |
south-eastward | south-west | south-westerly |
south-westward | southerly | southward |
spang | specially | square |
squarely | staccato | stag |
stat | stateside | statewide |
still | stinking | stock-still |
stone | straight | straightaway |
straightway | stretto | strictly |
stringendo | subject | substantially |
Sunday | super | supply |
supposedly | supra | sure |
surely | swell | swift |
swimmingly | syne | tête-à-tête |
tandem | tanto | tenuto |
terribly | thankfully | that |
thataway | then | thence |
thenceforth | thenceforward | there |
thereabouts | thereafter | thereat |
thereby | therefor | therefore |
therefrom | therein | thereinafter |
thereinbefore | thereinto | thereof |
thereon | thereout | thereto |
theretofore | thereunder | thereunto |
thereupon | therewith | therewithal |
thick | thin | this |
thither | tho' | thoroughly |
though | thrice | through |
throughout | Thursday | thus |
thusly | thwart | tight |
to | today | together |
tomorrow | ton | tongue-in-cheek |
tonight | too | too-too |
top | topside | topsy-turvy |
trebly | troppo | truly |
Tuesday | tutti | twice |
unadvisedly | unaware | unawares |
uncommon | under | underarm |
undercover | underfoot | underground |
underneath | underwater | untimely |
up | upcountry | upfield |
uphill | upmarket | uppermost |
upright | upriver | upscale |
upsides | upslope | upstage |
upstairs | upstream | uptempo |
uptown | upward | upwind |
usually | verbatim | verily |
very | videlicet | virtually |
vis-à-vis | vivace | viz. |
way | weakly | Wednesday |
weekly | well | well-nigh |
west | westerly | westward |
whatever | whatsoever | whensoever |
wherein | wheresoever | whole |
wholesale | wholly | widdershins |
wide | widthways | willy-nilly |
windward | withershins | within |
without | wondrous | woomph |
worldwide | worse | worst |
wrong | yay | yearly |
yesterday | yet | zigzag |
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