We're All Going to DIE!

Something amazing happened today.

Google went down. Not only the search engine, the translator and video search too, and probably more.

It took me ten minutes to even remember there are dozens of other search engines. I was thinking there must be a problem with the local router.

Habits of thought become quickly fossilised - including faith that at some point soon, Google will start working again. Hmmm.

For the full story, go here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UTBsm0LzSP0

1 comment:

  1. It is amazing how we forget sometimes that there are other ways to access the internet other than using Google.

    Last week at work, the computers went down for almost half a day, prompting panic among the staff who had forgotten how to use the paper forms to do their work. It took me a few minutes to figure out which forms to use and remember how to fill and file them appropriately.

    P.S. When I was attempting to publish this comment, a 503 Error screen appeared!

    I just right clicked Back and then reposted.
