Wordy Rapping

I've found a new word and some new light reading.

The word is "Homintern". It's a pun on ComIntern (Communist International), and refers to the clique of gay businessmen in hollywood who have men on their casting couches instead of women, and therefore turn America's media into communist pederast propaganda. And destroy human civilisation. Apparantly.

It's also known as the Velvet Mafia, which has inspired the silliest porn film I've ever seen all the way through on fast-forward (NSFW).

The light reading is The Unjust Media, which at first glance looks like a deranged christian fundamentalist conspiracy site. However, it is in fact a deranged muslim fundamentalist conspiracy site, which means (a) it doesn't hate all muslims and (b) it pays lip service to notions of evidence and reasoning. Which makes it tower above its christian equivalents, and might just give it a reading age in double figures.

Apart from that, there's the usual semilterate "refutations" of "Darwinism", the new world order, jewish conspiracy, gay conspiracy, and CIA paranoia are all familliar old friends.

Did you know Rolling Stone is a far-left magazine? And therefore pro-corporate? Did you know British Jews control the World Bank? Or that sociologists are CIA spies? Atheism is a religion (presumably in the same way vegetarianism is a way of eating meat) and 3rd World Debt Relief is a fraud...oh, wait.

ANYWAY. No conspiracy theory would be complete without the Knights Templar, and here we discover they founded the Freemasons. And the (nonvelvet) Mafia. Though there does seem to be some confusion between the Priory of Sion (a French Catholic conspiracy) and the Protocols of Zion (a Russian Jewish Conspiracy).

Remember I said there was a mouse under my bed, keeping me awake with it's scratchings and munchings? Well, I've set a trap and caught three mice in as many days, plus there's been two caught in the kitchen and another two killed by the dogs. So I reckon there's a lot of them...somewhere around here.

My other light reading is a small pile of books on How To Write Murder Mysteries. The one thing they all agree on is that mystery stories aren't really about mysteries at all - they're about characters. I suppose that might explain why some of the greatest mystery stories are, when you think about them as puzzles, incredibly silly (Murder on the Orient Express), incohearant (The Hollow Man), and implausible (An Unsuitable Job for a Woman).

UPDATE: More light reading. That's 'light' as in airy, frothy, without substance, vacuous, empty of content. Conservapedia is Wikipedia for conservatives, featuring hundreds of one-sentence definitions of complex scientific terms (to show how scientifically literate conservatives are), and one paragraph potted histories of famous people and events.

It reminds me of a children's encyclopedia.

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