My latest SongFight effort:
Kapitano - Circle
There's some audio glitches in the vocals, but there was no time to re-record, so this is more a 'proof of concept' than a finished song.
Ah but proof of what concept? Well, here's the lyrics:
Verse 1:
udu mbu adu (muza zimba)
uwa ungi iba (mudu ngu)
ngu ndu uzi (hawa yami)
wadinga wa ma (buwamu mbu)
Chorus 1:
ba nu du (duma iha mi)
la ni (bimbi azu da)
ba hu lu (nili uwa hi)
lu hi (zihi gayu na)
Verse 2:
ala nda uza (dangu zimbi)
unda mba ngu (wawi nima)
ungi aha ugi (diwi wiyu)
wihanda mi zu (zabagu duwa)
Chorus 2:
zi du gu (zingu ilu ya)
ba ni (yangu azi gu)
hu gi da (giyu umu mi)
zi ngi (yandi mbu yu)
Vowels from (more or less) Arabic, Consonants and morphophonemics (rules about which sounds can follow each other) from (more or less) Swahili, and a little program to generate 'words' in a language which doesn't exist.
The way I see it, if you've got nothing to say, why have lyrics that say anything? It's much more interesting to play with sound than to write rhyming couplets that work better when you don't know the language.
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