Dumb, Da Dumb Dumb

Why are people such fuckwits?

Or, a better question: Why are people who really shouldn't be fuckwits...still fuckwits?

Last week I went to a job interview. The business owner is a self-made multi-millionaire who's spent a million of his own pounds in setting up a small college.

You might think a successful businessman would know better than to trust the first self-proclaimed management consultant who walks through the door and tells him he needs to employ several extra layers of management...before employing any staff who do the actual work.

Or that he'd think twice before rushing out to buy a hundred obsolete laptops on the word of a family member.

You might think he'd check that there are already dozens of places locally that offer courses in accountancy, IT and Business English - cheaper and with more resources than he can offer.

But no. If being in touch with reality helps you make a success in business, then being a success in business insulates you from reality.

I only hope the college runs long enough to pay me - before selling off all the expensive new equipment bought for its enormous empty classrooms.

I was one of six interviewees - one of two without PhDs, and the only one not applying for a managerial position.

Can you explain how a room of men with doctorates, who want to work for a place that plans to teach arabs and asians, can spout the same racist bullshit as the gutter press?

Apparently there are too many (whatever that means) foreigners (meaning non-caucasians) coming into "our" country to "steal" "our" jobs.

And they dilute (whatever that means) the true british culture (whatever that is) with their strange foreign ways (which is a Bad Thing for some reason).

How can someone spend years in other countries, learn the languages, and stay in education long enough to get a PhD...and come out of it spouting xenophobic isolationist horsecrap?

When I catch myself being stupid, I do something about it. I've no idea who I could have picked that habit up from, because no one else seems to do it.

1 comment:

  1. I trust you didn't tell the self-made whatsit that he was an idiot? Best leave that until after you get the job ... oh, and best not give him the url for your blog, either. ;)
