Three Stories (Part 3)

Blogger seems to be working again, and I have a phone.

Actually that's not quite true - I have a pocket sized device that plays mp3s, tunes to FM radio, works as a dictaphone, personal pager, organiser, alarm clock, text viewer, stills camera, video camera, miniature cinema and tetris-player, which also occasionally takes phone calls.

Actually that's not quite true either, because I've got two of them - one never used. The other one lives in it's box on the shelf, with charger, earphones and (because it's a Motorola) a vast array of socket-converters because (being Motorola) most of the connections are non-standard. But it was cheap and not as non-standard as the Samsung.

And that's the flipside of organising your life around a small, inexpensive, convenient, multipurpose device. If you want your life to stay organised when it dies, you need to defeat the point of a cheap all-in-one device by doubling the cost and halving the convenience - and get two of them.

These ruminations were triggered by Blogger going down for several days. I wrote them on the assumption that I'd be able to post them when it came back up.

Not if, when. Because I may be a cynic about technology and a pessimist about how humans live with it, but I still have faith that it's a good thing, that it will in general work properly, and that when it doesn't, I won't have to wait long for technicians like me to make it go again.

And like all faith, it doesn't make much sense when you think about it, but even when you realise that, you still have it.


  1. I have to admit I hadn't the vaguest idea Blogger had 'gone down'. Which only goes to show I'm not as media savvy as we're all supposed to be.

    Presently my blog's on Wordpress - though I still have one on Blogger and on Posterous and on Tumblr too. Bottom line: way too many blogs that nobody (or their dog) reads. The digital realm is so shiny and attractive we all have to be part of it - it's talking to yourself, though still socially acceptable.

  2. All your blogs are belong, your RSS feeds are among the 100+ that I monitor.

    In fact, I've just changed RSS reader to GreatNews. It works offline, which NewsFox can't.

    Anyway, talking to yourself is fine - it's when you start arguing things get difficult.

    (Captcha: nombolse. About which I refuse to speculate.)

  3. The Levels of Insanity

    1. Talks to self.

    2. Argues with self.

    3. Loses argument with self.

    4. Is no longer speaking to self.

    Captcha: sucknon. Apparently blowjobs are prohibited here. :)
