
You know there's something wrong with your life when you find yourself thinking, "I ought to do something different - because I can't make an interesting blog post out of what I'm doing."

What I've been doing is:

* Failing to get my laptop to crunch 840,000 numbers for a vaguely defined music tech project. Or rather, failing to find a way to do this in less than a solid week.

Instead, I spent a week trying to make it take less than a week.

I'm sure there's a lesson in there somewhere.

* Spending quite a lot of money trying to find a cheap bargain in mobile phones. I'm sure there's a lesson in there somewhere.

* Failing to make some idiots on youtube understand, well, anything actually. Least of all that they're idiots. I'm sure there's a...well, anyway.

Here's one scintilating exchange, on the subject of George Takei's wedding:

Zailaach: lol who the cares about this fag's wedding, Shatner is the one and only star of the Star trek ok he's the one who made that show so cool not that faggot, Shatner's soooo right now that he's close to death he should find a peace in his life but instead he's so revengeful talking sht about Shatner 40, 50 yrs later like come on !!!

Kap: Obviously *you* care. Enough to find references to it on youtube, and post some idiot spleen. Odd how so many homophobes can't stay away from gay stuff.

Zailaach: shut up u fag messed up brain dead sob

Kap: Yes, you *really* can't stay away. What is it about manlove that makes you come back again and again? And dropping those little asyntactic blobs of rage in comments.

Zailaach: omg would you leave me alone with your fagging little **** stars n shit, wtf is wrong w you retard bitch? leave me alone what a lunatic!!!

Kap: Why should I? Every time you dribble into your keyboard you confirm my original point, and your excuse for a brain goes a little further into meltdown - which is vaguely entertaining to watch. You obviously can't cope with anyone talking back, which may be why you seem never to have learned anything, ever.

Zailaach: go fuck your dog or your boyfriend's asshole or whatever you usually fuck! loser! you know you're going to hell right? with your lil stars and your dick n poop all over it eww haha your nasty! well I hope god bless you Mr. Psychopath, I've nothing to say, say whatever you wanna say idontgiveafuck TATA

Kap: In other words..."Look at me! Look at me ignoring you! Everybody look at how I don't care what you think!"

Apart from that, your growing scatological obsession is, um, interesting. It seems to vary inversely with your grasp of grammar. Perhaps you would care to post a *third* comment about how you're not going to post any more comments?

Regrettably my corespondent did not comment further. But he did leave a charming and insightful message on my profile page:

you must be a liberal lunatic who just sits on his ass probably wayy too gay and lazy to work, lives on welfare, and from the sound of his comments definitely a drug dealer or some sort, I honestly feel bad for you, what a sad way of living, Get a job and be useful instead of stealing my tax money and be pathetic have a good life !!!!

This has been a selection of my hate mail.


  1. Proof once again that a good precentage of the population is the missbegotten result of a mating between an intelligent human being and a root vegetable.
