Square Eyes, Red Eyes

It takes half an hour or so to install windows on an average PC. It then takes another five or more to get all the software installed, registration keys found and entered, and fiddly things like network connections sorted out. It's 0545, I've been installing and configuring since midnight (after an evening of fixing problems on two other computers) and I need a few hours sleep before resuming battle.

I was supposed to be helping out with election leafleting at 1000, but have the excuse of a rather large hangover, courtesy of the 100+ minutes last night not spent in front of someone else's screen. I have the distinct advantage of having no capacity at all for alchohol, enabling me to approach paralytic status after three rum and cokes, but this has a downside the morning after.

Oh yes, there's always something I forget to back up before reinstalling. This time it was the lyric collection - which, amazingly, is the one thing that failed to back up properly the last time.

And speaking of backups and losing things, the replacement drum sample CDs have arrived, and this time I've made several copies, just in case I'm as organised as usual.

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